Thursday, 3 September 2015

Benefits of Studying Abroad

Studying in a foreign country may be one of the most favorable experiences for a college student. By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the appeal and culture of a new land.

Here are the top 10 reasons why students prefer to study abroad:

1. See and travel the World
Maybe the main reason why you should consider a study abroad program is the opportunity to see the world.

2. Education
Another reason you might allow for studying abroad is the chance to have familiarity in different styles of education.

3. Discover a New Culture
Many students who choose to study abroad are separating from their home for the first time. When they arrive in their new host country, they are captivated by the distinctive cultural perspectives.

4. Enhancing Your Language Skills
Chances are if you’re preparing on studying abroad, one of the major draws is the opportunity to study a foreign language.

5. Career Opportunities
When you finish your study abroad program and return home, you will return with a new perception on culture, language skills, a great education, and a willingness to learn.

6. Finding New Interests
If you are still questioning why to study abroad, you should know that studying in a different country provide many new activities and interests that you may never have learned if you’d stayed at home.

7. Make Life time Friends
One of the major benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity to meet new lifelong friends from different upbringings.

8. Personal Growth
There is nothing quite like being on your own in a foreign country.

9. Graduate School Admissions
Like future employers, graduate school admissions boards look very much on study abroad experiences.

10. Life Experience
Why study abroad? For most students, this time may be the only chance they ever get to travel abroad for a long period of time.

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Monday, 17 August 2015

K-12 Education and Career Opportunities

K-12 is define as the advance education and educational technology in the United States, Canada and perhaps on other countries. It is a short form for the publicly-supported school grades before going to college. These grades define as: kindergarten (K) and the 1st through the 12th grade (1-12). (“13th grade is the term use for first year of college.”) Most people in the United States and Canada (and anywhere else the term is used) are just beginning to provide modern information technology at the K-12 levels.

K-12 education is also known as an advanced and high-quality education system. In this area of education that has a power over the old educational systems as it puts more emphasis with regards on thinking and attaining own self-explanatory conclusions. The way of teaching is entirely not the same and remarkable compared to conventional education system. Teachers usually keep an eye on the approach of asking students to work on a lot of homework since it develops an academic and interesting learning habit. The fact that this method assists the students in looking over what has been taught previously. In K-12 education system, all the students are given individual attention and therefore they understand their subjects in a more useful way. The main role of a teacher here is just to guide them in the right way and provide them with greater learning opportunities. In reality, the individual find out his own learning capacity and success depends on the thinking ability of the student.

In today’s worldwide economy, a high-quality education is no longer just a pathway to job openings but a necessity for success. Because economic development and educational achievement are indistinctly linked, educating every American student to graduate from high school prepared for college and for a career is a national authoritative. The President has expressed a goal for America to once again lead the world in college completion by the year 2020, and all of President Obama’s education efforts aim toward this all-encompassing objective. In order to create an economy built that last, all we need to provide every student with a complete and competitive education that will enable them to do well in a global economy based on knowledge and improvement.

Full info  at

Monday, 20 July 2015

Importance of College Preparation to the Student

Beginning college student marks a most important transition. For latest high school graduates, college typically means more individuality and the ability to make assessments without the aid or help of their parent. Everyone incoming college for the first time must be ready for the more laborious academic life in college and for the encounter of balancing various obligations. College readiness is a measure of a student's academic, social and psychological preparedness for college and can play a main role in college success.

College preparation is very important to college success for students. In most cases, students are well-prepared by high school faculty, parents and their own self-discipline to attain success. Every so often, though, intended planning during a student's senior year of high school and the summer before college are required to help him perform well from the get-go in a college career.

Academic Preparedness
Many new college students don't have the academic background they need to excel in college, and the National Conference of State Legislatures reports that 34 percent of students in public colleges take at least one remedial class.

Social Preparedness
College isn't just about academic life. You'll be exposed to a wide variety of new people, often with very different perspectives from your own.

Maturity and Discipline
No matter how smart or social you are, college can be challenging if you don't have enough self-discipline to do your work. Time management becomes paramount in college.

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Monday, 13 July 2015

The Rising Sun: About DeAndre Ayton – Basketball Player of Balboa City School in San Diego

He left his family in Bahamas to follow his hoop dreams in San Diego, the 6-10 16-year-old DeAndre Ayton has appeared as one of the top prospects in the world (He is Power Forward and player of Balboa City School Basketball). By the end of the camp, his mother was already being approached by Bahamians now staying in the United States with bonds to American schools. Moving to the US look like the next reasonable step, and Ayton quickly comprehended that maybe he should give hoops a serious shot. Later that summer he began visiting possible schools to attend. Among them was one in Houston, where he says he got the exclusive chance of meeting Hakeem Olajuwon. “He told me to just keep working on my footwork and stay inspired,” Ayton says. “I began watching his videos. He was the first guy I really watched.”

The family decided not to pursue the Houston school and finally agreeing on Balboa City School in San Diego (BCS). Ayton moved to Southern California that September and began classes instantly as a seventh grader. Located at 525 Hawthorn Street San Diego, CA 92101, across the street from the Balboa Park that’s home to the world famous San Diego Zoo, the private school is remarkably small, with a cumulative student body of about 120 in grades K-12, leaving many classroom sizes in the single digits. (Visit this link for more details “I told my mom I was on a mission at age 12,” says Ayton. “I knew what I wanted. I knew what my mom and family were going through. I came over here for business—to work.”


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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

What are the Benefits of ESL Programs?

ESL means English as a Second Language.

ESL classes organize students to be fully involved with their communities. English learners benefit by being educated and accomplishing a level of inclusiveness that being able to take benefit of educational and training opportunities, which lead to employment, promotions or higher salaries, all of which benefit families by improving their opportunities and access to many benefits such as health care. 

The main objective of the ESL program is to help the participant to become "work-ready" by attaining the academic/educational progress that is, the necessary English Communication skills, including reading and writing, as well as employability skills that will support their ability to entirely utilize vocational/occupational training services to succeed social and economic self-sufficiency. The participants will be able to gain, advance and retain employment or enter occupational or higher levels of training. 

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Tuesday, 16 June 2015

What is SAT? Benefits of SAT Prep Courses

Scholastic Assessment Test or simply known as SAT is a regular test widely used for college admissions in the United States. First introduced in 1926 and its name and scoring have changed many times, being originally called as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, then the Scholastic Assessment Test, then the SAT Reasoning Test, and now simply the SAT. SAT is like any other test. If you prepare for it, you'll get a better score. To do well on the SAT you must take preparation for it. But don't try to organize for the SAT on your own. Studies show that students who register in SAT preparation courses or hire private SAT coaches dramatically increase their scores nearly 80 points while test takers preparing on their own increase their score only 40 points.

The well acknowledged SAT preparation courses, such as Kaplan and the Princeton Review, states that an average increase of 120 and 140 points. The information is that intensive short-term coaching can significantly raise your SAT score. At some universities a score increase of that size could easily mean the difference between denial and an offer of admission. An additional advantage of taking an SAT preparation course is the chance to practice answering questions that appear on the actual test. Full SAT exams are often use again in order to keep test-development costs down. The SAT preparation companies take advantage of this practice and can often interpret which tests are candidates for reuse. By enrolling in a test-prep classes you can benefit by seeing real SAT questions that may give the idea on your test.

Only two groups benefit much from raising their scores. One is the group targeting at the most selective colleges; near-perfect scores can make the difference between approval and rejection. To be in the running for these schools, however, students have spent the past decade developing academic skills; test preparation gives a reasonably small boost. 

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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

ADD/ADHD Definition, Symptoms and Treatment

ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a prolonged condition that disturbs millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and spontaneous behavior. Children with ADHD also may struggle with low self-esteem, distressed relationships and reduced performance in school. Symptoms sometimes diminish with age. On the other hand, some people never completely outgrow their ADHD symptoms. But they can learn tactics to be successful.

•    Trouble paying attention to details and inclination to make careless mistakes in school or other activities; generating work that is often messy and careless
•    Easily confused by inappropriate stimuli and frequently interfering ongoing tasks to attend to trivial noises or events that are usually unnoticed by others
•    Incapacity to sustain attention on tasks or activities
•    Difficulty finishing schoolwork or paperwork or carrying out tasks that require concentration
•    Regular shifts from one uncompleted activity to another
•    Procrastination
•    Disordered work habits
•    Absent-mindedness in daily activities (for example, missing appointments, forgetting to bring lunch)
•    Failure to complete tasks such as homework or tasks
•    Frequent changes in conversation, not listening to others, not keeping one's mind on conversations, and not following particulars or instructions of activities in social situations


The most effective ADHD treatment strategy take in a combination of pharmacological and behavior adjustment therapies. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines on ADD treatment endorses this multi-modal approach. The success of this, or any ADHD treatment protocol, depends on an accurate ADD diagnosis and a clear understanding of the child's primary ADHD symptoms and connected behaviors.

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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Why International Students choose to study in the USA?

USA is the top university target choice for study abroad and hosts more international students than any other country in the world. Here are a few reasons why you should select to study in the USA:

World’s well-known education
US degrees are renowned around the world for their academic excellence and better learning experiences. American universities include many significant institutions that are appreciated globally. In the 2014 Academic Ranking of World Universities:

• 16 universities in the USA are ranked in the world’s top 20 universities
• 52 US universities are ranked the top 100 universities worldwide
• 77 American universities ranked the best 200 universities in the world
Attainment of an American degree is the key to a successful future. The links you make and the many work experience opportunities will open the door to a successful and rewarding career.

Academic choice and flexibility
The USA has one of the world’s finest university systems, offering flexible education prospects at over 4,000 institutions. There are ways to bachelor’s degrees for both high school and undergraduate (transfer) applicants, and graduate student selections leading to fast-tack master’s degrees, graduate certificates, and respected MBAs.

Bachelor’s degrees in the USA include fundamental courses, such as math, history, literature, and communications in the first 2 years. This gives a broad-based facts across many disciplines – essential for competing in the global workplace. American courses are adaptably designed to allow students to change their ‘major’ after 1 or 2 years. There is a wide-range of choice for elective courses so students can familiarize their degree to their benefits and strengths.

It is also common for students to change university after 2 years of study in the USA, or to relocate into a US university after studying in another country. It’s not required to complete all 4 years at the same institution in order to get a degree from there. This flexibility means students can improve their grades for transfer to a more selective institution.

In short, it is summarize as follows:

5 Major Reasons Why USA is the Top Choice for International Students?

1. Academic Excellence
2. Flexibility
3. Experience American College Life & Travel the US
4. Technology, Research, Teaching and Training
5. Internationalization and Global Marketability

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Tuesday, 5 May 2015

What is a College Preparatory Program?

College preparatory or college prep designates that a school get ready students for college. In theory, of course, every high school should prepare students for college, but that’s not at all times the case — even for schools that accept the college preparatory label. With a national concentrating on readying students for college and careers, many schools — even elementary schools — are using the college preparatory title in their names and promotional materials, but what does it actually mean?

College preparation: elite boarding school or urban charter?

Between the many schools that call themselves college preparatory, you'll find elite boarding schools that have sent groups of graduates to the Ivy Leagues and other top universities. You'll also find inner-city charter schools that pledge every graduate will be admitted to a four-year college or university. You'll also, inappropriately, find schools that do nothing outside the usual to ensure that students go to college, but claim the college preparatory label because they know it's what many parents are looking for.

There are public, private, parochial, and charter schools that call themselves college preparatory. And while these schools can be choosy — needing testing and interviews for admission — they could also be open enrollment, accepting anyone who shows up.

With such a assortment of options — and with so many schools calling themselves college preparatory — parents would do well to look outside labels and assess a school's actual performance. Before enrolling your child into any self-proclaimed college prep, it helps to know what advocates, and critics, claim about these types of schools.

Preparatory schools: pro and con
Supporters disputes that college degrees lead to higher earnings and better prepare students to excel in a career. A school that makes the assumption that everyone is going to college puts more students on a path to succeed in a competitive global employees.

Critics deal with that the term college prep is so indiscriminately used that it doesn't mean much. “In some states, anyone can hang a shingle and call themselves a college prep high school,” Nassirian says. “The level of oversight is all over the map.” It’s up to parents to differentiate between a program that actually teaches students what they need to succeed in college and one that merely pays lip service to the task. Most significantly, it's up to parents to decide if a college prep school - one that genuinely prepares their child for college - is the right fit.

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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Why is K-12 Education Important?

K-12 education is the new education system for later students. This area of education has an authority over the conventional educational systems as it puts more weight on intellectual and accomplishment of own self-explanatory conclusions.

The way of teaching here is completely diverse and impressive. Teachers commonly follow the tactic of asking students to work on a lot of assignments since it develops a knowledgeable, yet stimulating learning habit. In reality, this technique helps the students in reviewing what has been taught previously. In K-12 education system, all the students are given single attention and later they understand their subjects in a more useful way. The role of a teacher here is just to monitor them in the right way and provide them with this learning opportunities. What truly happens is that, the individual learns his own knowledge capacity and success depending on the thinking ability of the student.

The classroom activities is somewhat similar to what is being trained in a public school where students go and get their notes and submit records but the key difference is that here in K-12 classes, the students are refreshed to bring about their personal thoughts and ideas. Students enroll themselves in different forums and educational clubs where they get to converse many points for the same topic and get other views. The teachers here add so much as to turning every conversation into a positive note collaborating with the students.

K-12 education system has developed the education system in US. Over the years, the level of education system and syllabus has greatly upgraded in time. It is also equally significant that the student uses this system in best likely ways. He must always assess the available information to jump to a rational ending. This is the type of educational platform any student can experience in the K-12 program.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Advantages of International School

Private School for International Students
International Program from

Selecting the exact school for your children is something that needs a lot of thought and planning. There are several types of educational institutions that have different programs and teaching methods, so choosing the right one for your child can be a challenge. After all, should you either enroll them in a state school, a private school, or into an international school? This is a vital question, and while all kinds of schools available to children offer their own advantages, international schools offer a more rounded knowledge for its students that can be valuable to their future.

Transferring your child to school in another country will help them developed and be more independent and familiarity living in an entirely different culture. By exposure to a selection of not the same cultures and backgrounds can be very enriching for a child, and international schools provides this kind experience.

Many international school follow an international course such as the International Baccalaureate, which integrates a wider world view into the coaching process and encourages students to participate with other world cultures. This curriculum is known and used across the world and is recognized as an excellent form of education to the point that advances your chances of entering higher education. As a rule, international schools believe in the importance of diversity and the celebration of difference, allowing students to grow up into emotionally mature, well-rounded individuals with a better understanding of the world around them.